Monday, July 2, 2012

Ugh! Working on writing the next story in The Form Benders series is tough. It seems as if the further I go into the young hero's life, the more difficult it becomes to write...not because it's hard to write, on the contrary, it's really easy.

Even though the hard part for me is keeping the story going, or maybe I should say keeping myself going, it's loads of fun to do. Honestly, the words pop out on the page the moment that I sit down to write about Ripley and his cast of characters. It's just sitting down and actually doing it that can be the greatest challenge for me.

I love this story, the characters and everything that happens to them. But I'd also like it if the things I see in my head could be magically transferred to the page like some of Ripley's gifted friends are able to do. I agonize many hours in an effort to produce this labor of love that I am working on, knowing that it's all worth it by the end of the story. Of course, writing about this isn't getting the book done! =) So...I'm off to write The Form Benders, The Cat's Meow. See you on the flip side!

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